Monday, January 6, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas!

I hope that you all had a great Christmas season! We've been crazy busy, but it's all been a good kind of busy.

We started off our Christmas time off with Addison volunteering again at the Ronald McDonald house in Austin. This time we were making stew for lunch. This is part of the charity work that comes with one of the pageant organizations that she participates in. I think it's a great thing that they require something so good from these girls. Unfortunately, it's usually the same handful of girls that show up for the charity work.

I did lots of cookie baking for the boxes of cookies that we deliver to our monthly clients. As usual, we ended up with a lot of leftover cookies so we've all gained weight and are also sick of cookies, but I'm sure we'll get over that!

We had a wonderful Christmas spent with family with lots of thoughtful gifts, food, and laughter.

I hope your Christmas was merry as well.

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